Notes From the Field: LG OLED on the Road

Over the last couple of years, you’ve probably heard a lot about LG OLED, but probably more in the consumer television space rather than in commercial signage. Here at LG Commercial Displays, we also tend to talk a lot about OLED, but due to the nature of B2B marketing, it usually is in front of customers at trade shows and our road shows. What often comes up in these discussions is how people envision using these displays to engage, entertain and inform their audiences. Today I would like to share some of the things I have heard in the field (from people probably like you) about the potential use cases that excite people when they see LG OLED displays in action.

The In-Glass OLED, which is dual sided, often attracts the most attention at shows. Why? Because when displayed in the hanging version, it almost appears to be floating. At our most recent road show, an attendee wanted to use it inside some of their stores within a mall, with one side as an “attractor” facing toward the common area of the mall, and the other side facing inward for shoppers inside the store. This is in fact how we envisioned this OLED display being used when it was developed, and it was great to see someone immediately inspired to use it that way.

Another product that always stops people in their tracks is the Dual-View Curved Tiling OLED, which links up to eight curved OLED screens together on each side to create a truly one-of-a-kind display experience. When talking with show attendees, they have told us that it could be the showcase piece in their corporate HQ lobby, or an engaging display to greet travelers in an airport common space, or a moving piece of art to show off a brand in a retail environment for a flagship store.

Finally, without a doubt, the product that always grabs the most attention is our razor-thin LG OLED Wallpaper. I think that the best part of demonstrating this product at shows is encouraging people to get up close and really see how unbelievably thin the display is, even with the mount behind it on the wall. When people look at the OLED Wallpaper, their imaginations tend to run wild, since the use cases are virtually limitless. It’s always fun listening to how people envision using it within their spaces (or within new spaces that they haven’t begun to build yet).

INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVES: The Best Time to Purchase

Lyle Bunn


Digital Media Strategy Architect, BUNN
Lyle Bunn is an independent analyst, advisor and educator providing digital place-based signage expertise to end users in the planning, design, sourcing and optimization of their initiatives. He has published more than 300 articles, whitepapers and “how to” guides and helped to train over 10,000 end user and supply professionals. See


On a recent family vacation the question was constantly asked, “can we leave yet?” The same question applies to the purchase timing of dynamic signage projects, and this question applies at two key stages including planning and purchase.

The best time to start the purchase is when a problem or an opportunity is first realized. Dynamic signage is a proven tool for improving branding, revenues, profitability, inquiries, information posting and modernizing an environment.

As the family considers the options for a vacation, some questions merit attention when considering dynamic signage as an option to meet a need or opportunity. These include:

  • What generally do we expect to get from our investment?
  • What generally might this cost? A telephone call or meeting with an LG representative or one of its many integration partners will allow for a general order of magnitude amount to be established.
  • Can we afford this, or afford not to do this? Budget availability is important and it is important to know at the start that purchase decisions can be made.
  • Where might the displays be suitably placed so the content is highly visible or interactions are possible? Dynamic displays often replace static signage or are added to important or high traffic locations so that viewers are well served and the displays do not obstruct traffic flow.
  • Who should lead the planning? And should all involved be available to contribute so their interests are met by the possible investment?
  • How will we know that it is providing good value? This element of planning for maximum benefits will serve the initiatives later as messaging is optimized to continuously improve return on investment.

The answers to these questions provide a feeling of satisfaction that more in-depth planning is merited and will be successful toward the purchase, implementation and use of dynamic signage.

Fear of the unknown is overcome as questions are asked, in particular when they are continually put in the context of what is needed or intended.

As planning is deepened and refined, a clearer picture of the ideal solution emerges. Numbers and sizes of flat panel displays, software capabilities, connectivity, mounting approach, content strategy and impact analytics all fit together as pieces of the picture.

Risk is managed as the features and functions of each element of the dynamic signage technology ecosystem are considered as part of the overall solution in a holistic approach to media presentation and viewer engagement that will achieve the desired outcomes.

This consideration defines the best value for purchase against current and future-state requirements. Best value considers total cost of ownership over an operating period where capital and cost of operations are both considered.

The best time to purchase is when the consideration of how the purchase will lead to realization of benefits is complete. With this confidence comes the alleviation of fears.

Fear of the unknown – that there might be something better or that the solution might not be the best fit – is the major concern in making the purchase, but when planning defines the need, these fears give way to confidence of correct action.

The best time to purchase is when the planning is done and the solution that fulfills the need is defined.

The welcome answer to the family vacation question, “Can we leave yet?” is like the answer to the dynamic signage question “Is now the best time to buy?” The answer is “Yes, now is the time” when the planning is done, the intended outcomes are decided, the right people are gathered and the way of getting to the destination is known. Needs turn into plans for all important journeys.

Today’s Modern Consumer



Laura Cohen is the Sr. Marketing/Communications Manager of the commercial division at LG Electronics USA, Inc.

She grew up in Deerfield, IL and enjoys: working out, snowboarding, cooking… not baking and music.


Thanks to technological advances, consumers are demanding ever more from the brands from which they buy: more convenience, more flexibility, and more personalization. Consumers no longer accept being treated like mere data points; they want to be treated as the individuals that they are.

This shift in consumer expectations has made it increasingly difficult for brands to keep up and stay relevant. Gone are the days where sending out a generic email or “liking” a customer comment on Facebook was all that was needed to keep customers happy and coming back to make purchases.

The “one‐size‐fits‐all” approach to marketing just doesn’t cut it anymore. With so many distractions from technology and other brands, it’s important for companies to be relevant, and to show they are taking into account the customer’s current behavior and history of interaction with them before they communicate with the customer.

No one wants to surf the web and be shown an ad for a product they just bought. The goal has shifted from talking at customers to conversing with them. Marketers need to create experiences that meet customer expectations and are meaningful and memorable enough to make them want to interact with their brand over and over. There’s more to marketing than pushing out your brand’s message.

Advances in technology give consumers more access to products and information, but they also give marketers more access to consumers. Don’t get fooled into thinking that marketers are the ones in total control. Consumers are now more empowered than ever.

They’re more informed. Today’s savvy consumer knows to read reviews before making purchase decisions. Along those lines, with just a few clicks, information created by subject‐matter experts (SMEs), allows consumers to thoroughly research a product like never before.

They’re more connected. Connecting with trusted friends, loved ones, and brands used to mean picking up the phone or sending an email. Social networking has made interacting quick and convenient.

They have the world at their fingertips. Literally.

The worldwide internet has opened up a global marketplace for consumers who can now easily choose the brand that meets their needs and expectations. What’s more, they can just as easily choose another one tomorrow should something better come along.


Brands and their marketers need to take customer interactions and experiences to a whole new level. With the ability to keep track of every customer interaction and then access that data in real time, brands can provide the highly personalized experiences that take into account the customer’s history of brand interaction and real‐time activity. This leads to a more relevant customer experience and increased customer loyalty. Who doesn’t want more of that?

Dominos to LG Electronics – Laura Cohen Talks Marketing



Laura Cohen is the Sr. Marketing/Communications Manager of the commercial division at LG Electronics USA, Inc.

She grew up in Deerfield, IL and enjoys: working out, snowboarding, cooking… not baking  and music.


Laura’s favorite quote is:

“Dripping in this strange design, none is yours and far less mine. Hold the wheel, read the sign, keep the tires off the line. Just relax, you’re doing fine. Swimming in this real thing I call life. Can I bring a few companions on this ride – Phish

Why did you decide to get into marketing?

I liked that marketing utilizes both sides of the brain; creativity and analytic thought. Also, I enjoy the challenge of solving: “What’s the best way to create a loyal following, and how do you attract new prospects that become loyal?”

Was there a defining moment when you picked this career?

I was lucky enough to be selected to be an intern at Domino’s when I was in college (U-M, Ann Arbor). Everything about Domino’s was about marketing; the building, the wall colors, the messages and it all just kind of clicked for me.

What marketing initiatives are you working on right now? Anything unique?

We’re starting to get into Augmented Reality (AR) which will open a whole new world for us and our products. The more customers and/or prospects can interact with our products in a real setting; the more they feel that we’re offering the right, best product or solution just for them.

What digital marketing channels have you implemented in order to help grow your business?

Social, digital programmatic, online forums – I see how creating communities really helps expand the conversation. It allows us to listen to what’s on our customers’ or prospects’ minds.

Which specific channels have been most effective for your business?

Online communities, email of course, and our website where we host videos, tips and tools.

How does your company use data to determine marketing strategies?

We segment our files and use metrics to iterate and optimize on a regular basis. This helps us drive better leads down the conversion funnel. The more targeted we are with our data and segments, the stronger results we see.

Which tools does your company use to manage marketing initiatives?

Salesforce, Pardot, TechValidate, Optimost, Omniture

What is the biggest benefit of partnering/working with an agency?

The biggest benefit is the collaborative spirit and an “outside” view. Often, when you are “in” your business you take certain things in messaging or imaging for granted. That outside perspective can bring the focus back.

How do you form great partnerships with your agencies?

A good vendor relationship is all about open and honest communication at all times, mutual respect and the ability to compromise for the good of the project or brand.

What are you most excited about in the marketing industry?

Dynamic, interactive content and the new Augmented/Virtual Reality world we are entering.

Did you experience failure along the way? What did you learn from it?

Failure is part of the marketing “gig.” You learn the most when things don’t go quite right. If you are agile enough, you can iterate and make correction. This is why data and analytics are so important. You constantly test our your hypothesis based on data, but sometimes it just doesn’t work out how you planned it. Certain marketing messages, content pieces, and so on might not resonate as originally thought.


Give the readers the best marketing advice you have.

Learn to make decisions and stand by them; don’t waffle. You can always test-fail-learn. Action is better than passivity.

While working on your project, have you come across any interesting bit of knowledge that you’d like to share?

You can’t please everyone or every customer. You don’t need to.

What daily habits do you have that allow you to perform at your peak?

I try to create a daily routine; check project status, check my dashboards, see if fellow team members have any hot issues before I get started on my daily work ahead of me.

Recommend a great marketing book!

Seth Godin, Augusten Bouroughs


INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVES: Hospitality Industry Success is Technology-Enabled

Lyle Bunn


Digital Media Strategy Architect, BUNN
Lyle Bunn is an independent analyst, advisor and educator providing digital place-based signage expertise to end users in the planning, design, sourcing and optimization of their initiatives. He has published more than 300 articles, whitepapers and “how to” guides and helped to train over 10,000 end user and supply professionals. See


The focus was on customer experience during the annual hospitality industry technology exposition and conference (HITEC) in Toronto June 2017. Reservation systems, guest connectivity, visual media and analytics were at the top of the priority list toward increased guest satisfaction and business success.

New technologies are seen as key to helping hotel and hospitality facilities attract and meet the growing demands of the empowered consumer.

The experience journey in hospitality that includes dream, plan, book, travel and share is somewhat similar to the product purchase in retail in which consumers discover, compare, reserve, try, buy and share, so it is no coincidence that hospitality and retail are examining similar customer experience solutions.

Kurt Weinsheimer, SVP, Property Solutions at Sojern said during a conference session on technology disruption “Hospitality has undergone the same kinds of changes in price transparency and consumer sourcing options that retailers are experiencing.”

“We should not be schizophrenic about customer self-service such as cell phone as room key, as there is still plenty of room for service in the hospitality industry” said one hospitality insider who had attended the conference in each of more than twenty years of its annual operation.

Brian Clark, Partner at Hudson Crossing advised hospitality providers to “identify those technologies that meet consumer demands, including mobile and ease of payments that solve time and convenience expectations, and personalization capabilities that use CRM data to deliver relevant, informed offers”. His advice applies to a range of technologies.

Connectivity is at the top of the guest requirements list.“We understand that fast and reliable Wi-Fi is at the top of the list of services for hotel guests,” said Matthew FitzGerald, Director of Hospitality Sales Engineering at Ruckus. “As guests bring more and more devices that connect to the Wi-Fi network and the number of applications, such as TV casting increase, the demands on the Wi-Fi network will also increase. Multi-gigabit Wi-Fi is an ideal solution that will help hotels meet the increased network demands these devices and applications place on the network.”

“Seamless does not exist,” said Rob Miller of CCI Systems, noting, “It is about the quality and elegance of the tailoring as elements are integrated. Fitzgerald added, “Transparency in end user access is the key issue, whether it is cellular, Wi-Fi, LTE, or radio frequencies that are emerging in the consumer telecom spectrum”.

Text to guest was a subject of many discussions. Jennifer Green of Hyatt said, “All communications must be undertaken with the intention of caring for the guest. Text messages provide an excellent forum to capture sentiment based on key words that are used.

Raman (R.P.) Rama, VP & CTO/CIO at JHM Hotels added, “Text messaging is the next wave of customer experience. Call centers do not improve CX when scripts are inadequate or there is no ability to provide service outside the prescribed frame of response. Text messages are considered more like telephone conversations than emails by consumers, and every message and interaction presents the personality of the brand, so digital engagement has to have rules and principles just as other interactions and communications do. Text messages should be as courteous, contextually relevant and as person as possible. Texting tends to be a more personal type of communications, so the operator has to use full words, correct spelling and be aware that a permanent record of the interaction is being established, and may be used against the facility”.

Analytics were also top of mind for delegates. Brian Clark of the hospitality consultancy Hudson Crossing declared “Data is providing advantage to some and leaving others in the dust. Those who use data to gain advantage are in a position to make offers based on a predicted outcome”.

Brent McKay, the CEO and Founder of Bulzi Media Inc. is bringing extraordinary levels of customer awareness with focus on the hospitality sector. “By merging robust consumer datasets with our mobile intelligence platform we can tell operators much, much more than they currently know about their customers, and this can enable highly targeted ad campaigns, customized offers and mobile marketing.”

Providers of visual media were prominent at HITEC17.

“As the industry leader in hotel TVs, LG is pleased to showcase our latest innovations at HITEC 2017. In keeping with the proliferation of high quality images, Ultra HD content and innovative design within the TV industry, LG’s latest hotel TVs enable hoteliers to provide guests the state-of-the-art viewing experiences they’ve become accustomed to in their homes,” said Garry Wicka, head of marketing at LG Electronics USA Business Solutions. “Seamless guest experiences are a priority to LG, which is why our latest 4K hotel TVs feature LG’s Pro:Centric and Pro:Idiom content management systems, as well as LG’s webOS smart TV platform so that scanning content and questing service applications is as easy as the click of a button.

“Our latest technologies from the world’s thinnest hotel TV — the LG OLED Wallpaper Hotel TV — to the new LG STB-5500 Pro:Centric Smart set-top-box with a powerful 4K upscaler, enable hoteliers to provide guests premium in-room experiences that maximize their ability to relax and travel with ease” Said Wicka.

Hospitality TV leader LG Electronics USA Business Solutions is launching an advanced new content management system for hotels called Pro:Centric® Direct that features an innovative authoring tool using drag and drop widgets as well as new over-the-top Internet video streaming and casting services. The upgraded Pro:Centric Direct platform allows system integrators virtually unlimited design options for guest user interfaces while providing them access to new streaming services in partnership with system integrators.

“With the LG Pro:Centric Direct platform, integrators now have even more freedom to create customized layouts aligned to each hotelier’s specific brand standards for delivery of entertainment services and compendium information to hotel guests,” said Mike Kosla, vice president, hospitality, LG Electronics USA Business Solutions. “This new platform is unparalleled in its ability to interact directly with guests, making any hotel stay feel personalized while providing the guests’ access to a variety of entertainment options, including video streaming from mobile devices.”1

Amazon outlined their success in what they call “skills” to their Alexa voice interface platform. The 15,000 skills are akin to mobile apps but are subject matter specific to the Alexa platform which combines automated speech recognition (ASR) and natural language understanding (NLU). Amazon wishes to offer Alexa to manage devices in the guest room (lighting, curtains, etc.) but does not go further in describing guest benefit or how Amazon benefits. It is suggested that Alexa, as with interactive digital signage and kiosks now available underpinned by a clear business model, could serve as an automated concierge to respond to frequently asked questions.

22 Miles showcased digital concierge options along with visual wayfinding and the ability to push on-location and other relevant stay information to a mobile device. “We are getting more requests for mobile as a phase one function than ever before” said Tomer Mann, SVP, Global Sales of 22 Miles. Mann added, “we are seeing more demand from a range of corporations beyond the hospitality industry. I think hospitality is just starting to understand the need for mobile as a main functional guest experience as indicated by several large brands approaching us at HITEC looking for such a mobile strategy as they are in a proof of concept phase. They want to integrate the wayfinding, but also consider proximity based beacons or Wi-Fi integrations to help guests navigate or be introduced to in-house promotions or specials while walking close to a restaurant,
spa or other decision points”.

Jim Vair, President of Capital Networks Limited described how the firm’s roots in broadcast and cable television, along with its tools and experience help hotel owners create and manage their own custom in-room television channels. “These channels provide a useful resource for hotel guests by presenting local information, data driven content, local TV listings and local entertainment listings” Vair said, adding “Capital Networks is also promoting the use of advanced technologies (NFC and beacons) with in-room television channels to engage the guests’ mobile device and entice the guest back out of their room to use various hotel facilities and partnered local attractions”.

Regarding public facing media, the travelling public is quite accustomed to digital signage and getting useful information from screens all-throughout their journey. Within the hotel, digital signage is a tool to promote hotel amenities, meeting room schedules, flight information and loyalty programs. These same screens are an excellent opportunity to promote, upsell, cross-sell and build loyalty with customers. Touch screen and engagement with mobile devices (NFC and beacons) provide a new level of service to meet the needs guests.

In conclusion, the empowered consumer is adding pressure to pricing and reservation systems, to improvements to the guest experience and to visit connectivity and other service. The hospitality industry is therefore challenged with improved technology planning, assessment, sourcing, integration and investment validation.

HITEC, the world’s largest hospitality technology shows are planned for Dubai, UA (Nov 14-15) and Amsterdam (April 11-13, 2018). Watch for HITEC18 North
America information at

Press release by LG published at­‐unveils-­‐procentric-­‐direct-­‐hospitality-­‐management-­‐system

‘Digital everything’ and its impact on the transportation experience



Garry Wicka

Head of Marketing, Commercial Division, LG Electronics USA, Inc




You have likely heard a lot about transportation in the news recently, specifically within the airline industry: United’s forceful removal of a passenger, a scorpion stinging a passenger (again United) and a stroller-related incident on American Airlines. With all of these issues hitting both traditional and social media faster than a speeding bullet one has to wonder…what are the main drivers? Is it an issue of reduced customer service (staffing/training) at airlines? Is it smaller seats on every plane? Is it the lack of consideration for others when traveling? My guess is that it’s likely a combination of all the above.

The one common thread within all of these instances – they were captured digitally, with personal cell phones.

Digital engagements have become ubiquitous when traveling. Everyone has a digital device with them and digital advertisements are all around us. Digital wayfinding is growing in popularity, digital menu boards are part of the landscape at transportation hub food courts, and even some bathrooms are starting to get their own digital signage telling you if they are open or closed for cleaning. Just this week, the NYC Metropolitan Transportation Authority announced it will integrate informational digital signage on its On-the-Go interactive kiosks in the NYC subway, and JFK airport just unveiled a 30×10-foot LED video board to show flight arrival times, advertising and other information.

One of the key ingredients for many of these digital experiences is the actual display – from the small 3-inch displays on your phone to the enormous video walls you can find in all of the transportation hubs around the country.

The importance of the display was highlighted in a 2015 whitepaper titled Improving the Customer Experience where it said, “Information for customers who are underway is most useful when it is in real time. Ways to deliver this information include mobile devices (cellphones or smartphones), public display signs and audio messages.”* And Dziekan and Kottenhof have noted that there are seven main effects of real-time information displays: reduced wait time, positive psychological factors (including reduced uncertainty, increased ease-of-use and a greater feeling of security), increased willingness-to-pay, adjusted travel behavior such as better use of wait time or more efficient traveling, effects on mode choice, increased customer satisfaction and, finally, a better image of transit service.**

As the transportation industry continues to recognize the importance and benefits of digital displays, so do the manufacturers of these displays. The needs of the transportation sector are often unique and manufacturers who are responsive to these needs will be able to offer the best customer experiences. Some of these needs include: high brightness options for both indoor and outdoor usage, new display formats such as ultra-stretch models that can fit into unique areas, better protection for displays to allow longevity, and innovative display designs that can become iconic fixtures in a transportation hub. Absolutely mesmerizing examples of the latter can be seen in the Incheon International Airport in South Korea with the LG OLED hanging arch experience, and what you are seeing in the Orlando Airport with one of the longest video wall experiences being deployed in the check-in area.

Clearly, digital is everywhere and ties into all aspects of the transportation sector. Hopefully, the success of digital displays will take a little pain out of the process of traveling.

*White Paper: Improving the Customer Experience

**Dziekan K, Kottenhof K (2007) “Dynamic at-stop real-time information displays for public transport: effects on customers” Transportation Research Part A 41 (6) 489-501

INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVES: What LG’s OLED display announcements at CES17 mean to digital signage.

Lyle Bunn


Digital Media Strategy Architect, BUNN
Lyle Bunn is an independent analyst, advisor and educator providing digital place-based signage expertise to end users in the planning, design, sourcing and optimization of their initiatives. He has published more than 300 articles, whitepapers and “how to” guides and helped to train over 10,000 end user and supply professionals. See


The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is used to unveil technologies to improve life. Mass market devices get the attention of businesses seeking to advance their brand experience and gain operating efficiencies.

Further introductions of Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) flat panels by LG Electronics followed the firm’s unveiling of this generation of displays during Digital Signage Expo in March 2016. Consumer purchases fuel the economies of production that drive retail prices down and satisfy upscale business demand.

At CES LG showed 65 and 77 inch OLED displays less than 3 millimeters in thickness that could be held on a wall with magnets and present sound using the display surface. Resolution and color presentation are simply extraordinary.

Architectural media and “techorating” are high demand applications for digital signage. Media engages consumers, enhances branding and increases the appeal of locations., all of which are high priorities in business to business locations such as corporate lobby and reception areas, and business to consumer environments such as stores, restaurants, galleries, museum and sporting facilities.

The LG OLED advancements reduce the gap between very high quality images and their presentation.

As content in High Dynamic Range (HDR) quality can best present products in fashion, jewelry, automotive and other categories where this is essential to merchandising that generates premium pricing and margins, this state of the art in content production has other applications.

In 2017, the movie Loving Vincent will be released. In a radical paradigm shift, 67,000 individual paintings have been created by artists in the style of Vincent Van Gogh. These are the content in telling the artist’s story around 28 of his most famous works. The ability to show the brush-stroke detail and true color in the works of this master artist is now made possible with OLED display.

This example of content composition in ultra high quality mixed with presentation offer indicators that digital signage is moving to its next level of compelling display.

Business expects to provide at least the level of in-home experience, so form factor should itself contribute to the wow of media engagement. The medium is the message. In using the latest display technology, businesses are inherently saying that their message is important, that they take pride in presenting it, and they place high value on the time and attention of their patrons.


INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVES: When “New” Really Means “New to Us”.

Lyle Bunn


Digital Media Strategy Architect, BUNN
Lyle Bunn is an independent analyst, advisor and educator providing digital place-based signage expertise to end users in the planning, design, sourcing and optimization of their initiatives. He has published more than 300 articles, whitepapers and “how to” guides and helped to train over 10,000 end user and supply professionals. See


Companies improve their results through innovating. Innovation is synonymous with advancement and in our world where enabling tools and solutions present constant opportunities, the challenges of selection is ever increasing.

“New” most often means “new to us.” This brings a key dimension of evaluation because “new to us” can mean that competitors for share of wallet, time and attention are already benefiting from the new approach. Leadership in our world is more often defined as being a fast follower or part of the early majority of users.
Bob Amster, Principal of Retail Technology Group sums this up in saying that “most follow, few lead,” adding that “innovation is dictated by a combination of imagination, perceived return, trends, culture and the personality of individuals making those decisions.”

The abilities to manage risk and for change management are some key ingredients of innovating.

Mark Ryski, Founder, CEO and Author, Headcount Corporation noted in a RetailWire comment “When it comes to innovation, retailers in particular need to focus on the critical few versus the trivial many of business challenges”. He notes “there are so many solutions available that determining which solutions to evaluate let alone implement is a problem. Retail executives need to be clear about their business objectives, set priorities and then narrow their focus to explore the solutions that can help them achieve these”.

Many innovations contribute to the accomplishment of a range of business priorities. Email and electronic commerce are good examples of broadly applicable enabling infrastructure, and umbrella approaches such as omni-channel marketing, customer relationship management and partnership strategy provide the context to assess the applicability of innovations.

Innovation only happens when somebody is expected to do it. Otherwise the force of inaction will prevail. Everybody in the enterprise must expect it from everyone above and below as a culture of innovation.

Patricia Vekich Waldron, Global Marketing Director, Retail, Consumer Products, IBM Corp cautions against trying to be incrementally better than the business next door, because consumers are measuring everyone against their last great experience regardless of what it was”.

Innovation in the “new to us” world can mean applying approaches that are proving successful in different applications. For example, quick serve restaurant drive-thru offers lessons to banking and parcel pick up. Museum, gallery and stadium media presentation offer lessons to malls and retailers. Corporate lobby display can take lessons from transportation messaging and trading floors.

Lee Kent, Principal, Your Retail Authority, LLC advises that “The first step to saying yes to innovation is to be innovation-ready by creating an infrastructure based on a core. A core is established by looking at mission-critical processes focused around customers, suppliers and employees”.

When this is slow to emerge, innovation centers should be established to be a force for improvement by identifying and advancing business, marketing, operating and technical opportunities that others may overlook or that span organizational boundaries.

Dynamic in-store signage is an example of an approach that improves the productivity of place, processes and people and positively impacts many areas such as customer engagement, location appeal, branding, merchandising, supplier support, associate training, safety improvement, hiring, loss prevention and others. Introducing this approach requires executive or innovation group stewardship.

Digital signage and place-based dynamic screenmedia meet the definition of “new to us” innovation definition and criteria of many organization. It’s technology has been well-proven across and within business sectors even as the content that it is used to present is specific to the goals of the individual business. It’s customer engagement and business development value through branding and merchandising support traffic generation and revenue achievement, as does it’s bringing vitality and improved ambiance in locations where it is used.

For some organizations, the challenge of advancement lies in more fully using the innovations that they discover. The processes used for test, trial and discovery can differ from the budgeting and operational approaches that would allow an innovation to be more widely applies.

Being innovative therefore entails defining approaches that are new to the organization, but also, advancing the ways that allow the benefits of these to be more fully realized.

INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVES: Museums offer Good Customer Experience Lessons

Lyle Bunn


Digital Media Strategy Architect, BUNN
Lyle Bunn is an independent analyst, advisor and educator providing digital place-based signage expertise to end users in the planning, design, sourcing and optimization of their initiatives. He has published more than 300 articles, whitepapers and “how to” guides and helped to train over 10,000 end user and supply professionals. See


“Our location is all about the experience, the learning and the inspiration” said David Humphries, Chief Information Officer of the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas, TX in hosting a tour of the facility for delegates of the ICX Customer Experience Summit.

Since museums must deliver an experience worthy of it being a destination and re-visit, a museum offers insights to retailers and other customer-facing organizations that seek to earn a consumer visit.

“We intend to inspire minds through an encyclopedic space that tries to address a wide range of disciplines in nature and science” said Mike Spiewak, Perot Museum Senior Director of Exhibits.

Consumers are willing to pay for the privilege and pleasure of a museum visit, typically many times annually, while retailers are losing sleep on how to earn a consumer visit, through which visitor needs, wants and aspirations can be met.

Retailers can take note of how digital place-based media can add vitality, discovery, information exchange and improved visit experience.

Many of the Perot Museum exhibits either included or were centered around a digital media experience. These ranged from sensor-triggered musical notes as patrons go up or down stairs to a panoramic view of the planet Mars presented on synchronized LED flat panels. Common approaches included gestural interactivity, touch screens, video walls and information display. One of the most engaging exhibits launches Ping Pong balls based on brain wave activity detected through forehead and earlobe sensors.

The museum visit experience offers the following lessons and guiding principles on digitally-enabled customer engagement:

  • It has to work. Digital experiences that are not operational (one exhibit display was closed for upgrade at the Museum) easily disappoint and de-brand unless an adequate explanation is provided.
  • “Cause and Effect” defines one of the most powerful paradigms of patron digital engagement, and it can be the basis of the gestural, touch screen and other interactivity.
  • “Learning styles must be considered to achieve impactful engagement” notes Humphries, adding that “people can learn through text, photographs, video or animated images that are published or interactive”.
  • Macro motor movement such as running, walking, climbing, stepping and other movement of body, leg, arm, head, etc. are the most engaging. These physically immersive experiences can be augmented with digital media to support the cause and effect, or augment the experience with a scoring or visualization.

Patrons experiences can include building it, playing with it or operating it.

Some commercial examples of applying these principles are available.

  • The Royal Bank of Canada invites patrons to place the coins from their pocket or purse on a table, which when detected illustrates how saving the amount of the coins could result in savings growth over time.
  • McDonalds invites guests to build their burger or place and pay for their order through a touch screen kiosk. By “gamifying” the order process they are also able reduce order counter staff requirements.
  • Retailers sometimes pose multiple choice questions as a way to provide information about product features and benefits. A suitable winter coat is more easily sold when customers are asked the actual temperature based on the combination of thermometer reading, wind chill and humidity.
  • A patron photo can be placed into a magazine cover template or morphed into a movie character that can then be emailed to the patron to help amplify a brand.

Flat panels bring a new level of engagement wherever they contribute to a memorable visit experience. Where a museum or science center can charge an admission or annual membership fee based on their thoughtful application of digital place-based media, retailers and brands can be rewarded by customer purchases, visits and loyalty.

INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVES: Visual Vitality for Retail Locations

Lyle Bunn


Digital Media Strategy Architect, BUNN
Lyle Bunn is an independent analyst, advisor and educator providing digital place-based signage expertise to end users in the planning, design, sourcing and optimization of their initiatives. He has published more than 300 articles, whitepapers and “how to” guides and helped to train over 10,000 end user and supply professionals. See


B-o-r-i-n-g ! While some may say it and others are thinking it about a retail location, you can bet that consumers will be voting with their feet and not just their wallets on a possible future visit. Without the visit the conversion opportunity is lost, and so for lack of customer experience, the kingdom is lost.

March 28-30, 2016 in Las Vegas will be an interesting time for retailers. GlobalShop will feature education sessions and the show floor will include about 800 providers of design services, flooring, lighting and fixtures, all intended to make the retail location interesting enough earn a patron visits. Layout and fixtures will be planned, purchased and installed, and the store will be locked into that design and experience for many, many months to come.

From season to season, calendar event to calendar event, little will change until the brand that year-over-year traffic is declining, the shopper loop is more shallow and dwell time is shortening. Staff turnover may even become an increasing cost factor as associates become complacent or even leave for places that offer more income potential and fun.

Meanwhile, at the same time at the Las Vegas convention center at the other end of the strip, the 13th annual Digital Signage Expo (DSE) will be in full swing presenting solutions to the problem of how to make retail locations better, and at minimal investment.

Vendors, including LG (which many claimed “stole the DSE16 show”) will show how vitality, ambiance and positive energy can dramatically escalate the customer experience with compelling, relevant, better targeted in-store visuals.

GlobalShop delegates who care most about their brand identity and cost-effective retail design will likely make their way to DSE to visit LG and others of the almost 200 providers, many of which partner with LG. Perhaps they’ll hit the high points of GlobalShop on March 28-29 and visit the DSE show floor on March 29-30.

Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) displays were unveiled last year and will be on full display again this year at DSE by LG.

The vibrant colors of images presented, the Wow-factor in fashion, outdoor, destination, action and lifestyle media that can make the store a destination and the ultra-thin, modern form factor that can fit into any store design or architecture makes OLED from LG a digital display that can attract traffic, increase dwell time and amplify the brands like no other retail device.

The inherent ability of digital signage to present images that are most suited to day and time, and the major calendar events of consumer’s lives, mean that store refreshment and messaging relevance are as simple as posting new media materials through an easy to use media management desktop.

When attracting attention matters, nothing suits retail vitality, brand alignment and conversion messaging like digital signage. And no digital signage display is as compelling to consumers as OLEDs from LG.